Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Belladue is featured on Cuteable.com!

Lynsey from Cuteable.com emailed me yesterday to let me know that Belladue.com has been featured on the site!  Woo Hoo!  She picked a lot of fun items to feature and did a great job with the article.  To read the article and see all the great picks click on the link below

Friday, February 20, 2009

I love these hats!!!!

I actually will be sad when winter is over!  Besides that fact that I hate and I mean HATE hot weather.  The clothes are just cuter in the winter.  We just got these hats in and I will be sad when they won't be needed in the upcoming months.  My kids will be wearing theirs well into April.  They get so many compliments on them!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Monroe county YMCA Fair

Well it is the start of a new craft show season.  This year I tried a new show on the Illinois side.  The Monroe County YMCA has an annual Ladies night out with vendors and food.  It was a great time.  I always love seeing everyone and catching up.  I was right next to The Bumble Bee Bowtique.  The owner Shannon was super friendly.  She makes tutus and hairbows.  You can check her out at Bumblebeebowtique.   
Once I get my show schedule a little more figured out I will post it here.  I also created some new Easter shirts.  Once I get pictures taken I will post them.  Hope to see everyone soon at a show!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A New look!

Welcome to the new look of Belladue's Blog!  I tried to come up with a creative way to showcase our going-ons at Belladue.com.  On Belladue.blogspot.com you'll find the latest designs on Belladue and a little bit about juggling mommyhood and a growing (knock on wood) children's store!  

Belladue.com is Open!

Belladue.com is Open!
Upscale, Unique and Handcrafted Children's Gifts!

About Me

My photo
At Bella Due we have a passion for hand-crafted, fun and funky children’s gifts. If you are tired of the traditional pink and blue… we have a gift for you! The concept started simply with my own designs and has blossomed into a one stop shopping experience where talented artisans from across the country showcase their products. We carry everything from personalized burp cloths, funky sock monkeys, adorable pretend food to boutique hair bows. Bella Due in Italian means beautiful two. My two children inspire me daily. Their creativity and curiousity help me strive to find new products for the shoppe that will capture their interest. These fun and unusual gifts are perfect for a baby shower! If you are looking for a savvy gift for the new mommy, baby or big sis, we have it here. These gifts reflect a hip energy and style! Baby stuff is a necessity… why not make it fun?