Thursday, July 30, 2009

Belladue is in a MAGAZINE!!!!

I am so excited!!!!!!  Belladue Bibs are in this month's issue of Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine!  The August '09 issue has an article about First Birthdays. I am thrilled that the editors chose to include 2 of our bibs in the article.  You can find us on page 77-79.  Woo Hoo!   

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monogrammed Backpacks are here!

Monogrammed backpacks are in! They are so cute! I have plain quilted ones for the school age kids and damask quilted backpacks for the younger ones. Choose to add a name or monogram for hat personalized touch. See them today here!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Pillowcase Dresses are Here!

New Pillowcase Dresses are here! A very talented Mom Paula is making them for us. I really like these because they are not just plain pillowcase dresses. They have the monogramming and applique on them to make them extra special. A name can be added underneath the applique. If it warm, wear this dress alone with a pair of sandals. If it is cold then pair it with leggings and a turtleneck. Too Cute! All seams have been professionally finished. Ribbon has been heat sealed to prevent fraying. Find them toady on

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Even more new products on!

We've been cranking out the new designs here at Belladue!  I just made a new Personalized Crab Shack t-shirt for the boys in our lives.  And then at the request of a customer I made a Kindergarten rocks t-shirt for boys.  I guess the rhinestones just weren't working for them :)  check them out today!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer is here and so are new Belladue Products!

Well,  Summer is in full swing around our house.  The kids  are off school and summer vacation has begun!  We have a lot of great new products on!   The much anticipated Monogrammed knit headbands have arrived.  I get so many requests for these and they are finally here!  Pick your headband and thread colors to make a unique accessory!  Also Fourth of July Rhinestone T-shirts   are in!  They are for the "Lil Firecracker" in your life!  We've added Monogrammed Hair Bow Holders.   You can choose the fabric to match your child's room.  Also remember to stay cool at the pool this summer with our Monogrammed Sports Water Bottles!   Also if you want to have your child included in our new online Gallery please send a picture of your Belladue Kid to!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Belladue Article on!

The "Get inside St. Louis" just published an article about!  It was really a nice article talking about the fun of balancing working from home and raising 2 small kids!  I want to thank Angela Atkinson for writing the article!  She really did a nice job!

Click on this link to read the article!

Friday, April 3, 2009

More New Items on!

I hope you are enjoying the warmer temperatures!  Spring has sprung!  Easter is a week away.  It is hard to believe!  We have added a few new items to  A talented mom has added a new chalkboard place mat design to the site... Zebra stripe.  These on-the-go place mats sell or $16.50.  They provide a place to draw, write, and play games while waiting for food at a restaurant.  One the food arrives, simply wipe the chalk side off with a napkin, flip the mat over and you have a clean surface for meals.  These are perfect for restaurants, car trips, doctor's offices etc.  
We also added a new birthday shirt to the mix.  This adorable appliqued t-shirt can be customized with your choice of fabrics.  Add your child's name for that special touch.  
If your little one is turning one we have a new bib for that occasion.  The cupcake can be made from whatever fabric you choose.  We then can add a name and a number.  Too cute!  As Always thanks so much for everyone's support!  Go handmade!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Items at!

I am excited to get my Easter items online!!!  I have 2 new shirts for Easter that can be personalized and 2 new coordinating bows.  I also created a new cupcake First Birthday bib.  You can choose from any of the fabrics I have and make a truly customizable bib.  Soo Cute.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Belladue is featured on!

Lynsey from emailed me yesterday to let me know that has been featured on the site!  Woo Hoo!  She picked a lot of fun items to feature and did a great job with the article.  To read the article and see all the great picks click on the link below

Friday, February 20, 2009

I love these hats!!!!

I actually will be sad when winter is over!  Besides that fact that I hate and I mean HATE hot weather.  The clothes are just cuter in the winter.  We just got these hats in and I will be sad when they won't be needed in the upcoming months.  My kids will be wearing theirs well into April.  They get so many compliments on them!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Monroe county YMCA Fair

Well it is the start of a new craft show season.  This year I tried a new show on the Illinois side.  The Monroe County YMCA has an annual Ladies night out with vendors and food.  It was a great time.  I always love seeing everyone and catching up.  I was right next to The Bumble Bee Bowtique.  The owner Shannon was super friendly.  She makes tutus and hairbows.  You can check her out at Bumblebeebowtique.   
Once I get my show schedule a little more figured out I will post it here.  I also created some new Easter shirts.  Once I get pictures taken I will post them.  Hope to see everyone soon at a show!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A New look!

Welcome to the new look of Belladue's Blog!  I tried to come up with a creative way to showcase our going-ons at  On you'll find the latest designs on Belladue and a little bit about juggling mommyhood and a growing (knock on wood) children's store!  

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it is 2009. It seems like Thanksgiving was here before we knew it then wham we are in a New Year. I am really excited about the possibilities for this year. We spent the last couple of months getting our feet wet. It has been a great experience. We have learned a lot and I thank all my vendors for a great first few months with our new store. I hope everyone has a great happy and healthy 2009! is Open!

We are proud to announce the Grand Opening of

We offer upscale, unique and handcrafted baby gifts. From minky baby blankets to personalized onesies we have the perfect gift for your next baby shower.

Several of our products are personalized or monogrammed for that special touch. We offer fun and whimsical burp cloths, 1st birthday t-shirts, diaper covers, baby toys and more all created by talented artisans.

Visit us today at is Open! is Open!
Upscale, Unique and Handcrafted Children's Gifts!

About Me

My photo
At Bella Due we have a passion for hand-crafted, fun and funky children’s gifts. If you are tired of the traditional pink and blue… we have a gift for you! The concept started simply with my own designs and has blossomed into a one stop shopping experience where talented artisans from across the country showcase their products. We carry everything from personalized burp cloths, funky sock monkeys, adorable pretend food to boutique hair bows. Bella Due in Italian means beautiful two. My two children inspire me daily. Their creativity and curiousity help me strive to find new products for the shoppe that will capture their interest. These fun and unusual gifts are perfect for a baby shower! If you are looking for a savvy gift for the new mommy, baby or big sis, we have it here. These gifts reflect a hip energy and style! Baby stuff is a necessity… why not make it fun?